Oral Bacteria: How This Unseen Issue Can Cause Problems for Your Teeth

Are you aware that your mouth is home to over 700 different bacterial strains? However, not all of them are harmful. This does not mean that you have to sleep on your dental care obligations because a few slippery mistakes might cost you your teeth and gums. Oral bacterial problems will arise when you neglect your dental care.

How oral bacteria problems arise

You might be wondering how these oral bacterial problems arise. For starters, bacteria are living things, meaning they eat, grow, move, discharge waste and reproduce - Just like any other living thing. By feeding on products that encourage their growth such as sugary products, you are giving these bacteria an environment to thrive in - your mouth.

Sugary foods and starches leave when cereals and bread are introduced to produce acids. These acids cause dental plaque, which makes your teeth and gums a more suitable environment for the bacteria.

The most common oral bacteria

There are two most common oral bacteria types that are present in your mouth. They are the cause of most dental problems:

Streptococcus mutans

If you are a sweet-tooth loving person, then your mouth, if not well cared for, could be the breeding place for these bacteria. And, sugary products should not be your only worry. The same applies to foods high in start too. These two types of foods are what this bacteria feeds on for survival. The end result is the acid that it produces as waste, one that is not very friendly with your enamel.

Unfortunately, if you choose to sweep your dental care rules under the rug, and you consume starch and sugars, then streptococcus mutans could make your mouth it's comfort zone. If your teeth are decaying, this could be one of the reasons why.

Porphyromonas gingivalis

This bacteria causes periodontitis, a bacterial infection of the mouth. Periodontitis arises when you neglect taking care of your mouth through brushing your teeth, flossing and visiting your dentist regularly.

When the plaque on your teeth and gums continues accumulating, tooth decay will not be the only thing to worried about. The accumulation of plaque is what leads to periodontitis. It causes severe inflammation on the gum tissues. This leads to redness of the gums, bleeding and can make the gums very sensitive.

Periodontitis also affects the alveolar bone. If taken lightly and left untreated, will lead to tooth loss.

How to avoid oral bacterial problems

To be on the safe side, you need to adopt good oral care. Brush your teeth at least twice per day and floss at least once. In addition to this, visit your dentist on a regular basis. In case you have already suffered from oral bacterial problems, see your dentist and practice good oral care.

Additionally, watch your diet as it contributes to oral bacterial problems. Avoid starchy and sugary foods if you can. In case your sweet-tooth gets the best of you or you cannot avoid starchy foods like cereals and bread, brush your teeth afterward.

Request an appointment here: http://www.riversdentistry.com or call Rivers Family Dentistry at (979) 710-2216 for an appointment in our Bryan office.

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